Nowadays, more and more people like to use branded products. Branded bags are very popular among young girls. Prada, Hermes, Gucci and LV are often seen in shopwindows and they are symbols of fashion. Comparing with other bags, Hermes bags have their distinctive characters and strong points which attract many people.
First of all, Hermes bags are made of various kinds of leather, while others are usually made of calfskin. Ostrich, calfskin, crocodile and goat skin are Hermes' favorite materials, as they have their advantages in making bags. When it comes to the most coveted, most expensive and most valuable handbag in the world, no other than Hermes bag could be crowned with this reputation. Its beauty and elegance wins your love at first sight. The rich material and exquisite craftsmanship make it hard for you to put your hands off. It is true that Hermes bag stands prominently above all the other luxury brand bags. Like a divine queen, sitting on a throne, proudly ruling the fashion kingdom.
Secondly, Hermes pays much attention on choosing the leather. It only uses the skin on the rump of the ostrich, because the pores on the rump are of the same size. Only in this way, do the lines of the leather look even and harmonious. The crocodile skin is from the crocodiles that are raised by Hermes. Hermes has its own crocodile garden. The crocodiles are from America and they are normally small. Thus, the crocodile skin is suitable for making small bags. The whole skin from a crocodile is enough for one small bag. As for larger ones, Hermes has fine craftsmanship to seam the skin. Hermes Birkin handbags are hand-built by highly experienced craftsmen, one of the primary factors that contributes to the high price of all Hermes handbags. The production of each bag can take up to 48 hours of work, which translates into weeks of labor. Handbags are cone possession that females hold very close to their heart. Every female has the liking for handbags in their unique style, and each style has a different fashion statement to say. The most famous handbags around the globe are the Hermes Birkin handbags.
Thirdly, Hermes bags combine traditional workmanship and unique design. In Hermes shops, we can not only find soft leather bags, but also pearl and embroidery ones. Exquisite pearls form different geometric shapes or the word “HERMES”. It is a refection of designers' innovation and inspiration. That is one reason why people choose Hermes.