Choose in dazzling Gucci-labeled bags
As replica handbags are prevailing in the market, it blows the consumers’ minds to look at the dazzling Gucci-labeled bags. Are you paying the hefty money for the authentic Gucci bags, or are you just fooled by the seller? Here are some tips for you to tell the authentic Gucci bags from the replica ones.
Actually, it requires only attention to buy the original Gucci bag.
The first thing to do is smell the bag. However crafty the replica manufacturers are, they will find it hard to imitate the smell of a bag. This is because all leather of Gucci bags are made of a kind of peccary skin, a kind of material that gives out a special smell. If you are familiar with the smell of authentic Gucci bags, you can tell the replica ones right away.
The second way to tell a bag is to look at the stitching. Pay special attention to those cracks and inside areas of the bag. If the stitching is clean, tidy and symmetry, then there is great possibility that the bag is the authentic one. This is especially true to Gucci bag. All Gucci logos are attached by 6 to 7 stitches. If you find the logo is attached by asymmetric stitches, then you have reason to believe it is a fake one.
The third way is to check the identity label of the Gucci bag. Check if there is a serial number on the back of this label. Every authentic Gucci bag has a serial number behide the “Gucci made in Italy” identity label.
After knowing the above tips, make sure to apply it when you are planning to buy an authentic Gucci bag.
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